
Picky Eating: Like Father, Like Son?

According to a fascinating article in the New York Times, Picky Eaters? They Get it From You, the tendency to fear new foods (neophobia) is 78 percent genetic and 22 percent environmental. Kind of interesting when you reflect on your own childhood. I had a great fear for any and all breakfast foods besides cereal and I avoided the almighty potato like the plague, for some reason. My mother recalls a great distaste for potato pancakes. Not quite the same thing that this article is addressing, but experts do encourage parents to continue introducing a new food to a neophobe child from 5-14 days. Sheesh! I'm guessing after the first few rejections, only the most hardliner could resist ceasing and desisting.

Instead of giving up, Jessica Seinfeld (yes, Jerry Seinfeld's wife) just figured out undetectable ways to add heathly veggies into existing recipes. She wrote a book about it called "Deceptively Delicious" and I seriously think I want to read this one! Has anyone out there tried these recipes and are willing to let us know the results? I've also heard about this book: "The Sneaky Chef" by Missy Chase Lapane, and I'm sure I'll be scouring the library for it soon enough. Your thoughts?

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