
J Lo, Let Us Know?

According to Yahoo, Jennifer Lopez's mom has apparently confirmed her pregnancy with twins. You can read Celebrity Baby Blog's take on it here. They're stating that J Lo is already about 4 months along! So, why hasn't she or her husband, Marc Anthony, confirmed it yet? In reality, they have officially denied the pregnancy as recently as a few weeks ago. They are hardly the only celebrities to take this stance towards the blessed event (Christina Aguilera is due in January, and has yet to announce her pregnancy) but they're definitely getting the lionshare of media coverage about it.

When did you announce your pregnancy to the world at large? A lot of women wait until the end of their first trimester, when risk of miscarriage drops significantly. Others don't say anything and let their bump do the talkin'--the J Lo approach?? I waited until I was about 5 months along before I told my coworkers, but most of the people close to me found out much sooner. I couldn't just refuse a glass of wine from a friend without a valid explanation, of course! Many casual observers didn't even realize I was pregnant until my third trimester, however. All due to my long torso and a small baby, no doubt.

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